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Dear {Contact_First_Name},
Thank you for joining us at last night's Annual Meeting!
As you know, Dan Weitz provided a wonderful presentation on "Integrating Neuroscience into Your Mediation Practice" and he promised to share his article with the group. Attached please find that article, titled "The Brains Behind Mediation: Reflections on Neuroscience, Conflict Resolution and Decision-making," Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2011:
About Dan Weitz:
Dan Weitz is the Deputy Director of the Division of Court Operations and Statewide Coordinator of the Office of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Court Improvement Programs for the New York State Unified Court System. Mr. Weitz is also an Adjunct Clinical Professor at Cardozo School of Law and New York University School of Law.
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