ACR-GNY & CUNY Dispute Resolution Center at John Jay College present
Family Dispute Resolution: A Glimpse of the Past and a Look to the Future
What might the future of Family Dispute Resolution look like?
This session will focus on two recent attempts to describe the past and predict the future of FDR: the recently published book Family Dispute Resolution: Process and Practice, co-edited by Professor Kelly Browe Olson, and the ongoing process of the joint ABA/AFCC Taskforce in revising the Model Standards for Family and Divorce Mediation, with Professor Donna Erez-Navot serving as Reporter and Professor Browe Olson as a member.
Drawing from the book, the speakers will discuss the evolving role of lawyers as problem solvers, how FDR processes have become more responsive to specific client needs, and a variety of topics including intimate partner violence, clients with substance misuse, personality disorders, LGBTQ+ parties, special needs children, parent-child contact problems and the increase in unrepresented litigants. They will also discuss their extensive work on the joint ABA/AFCC Taskforce, including the proposed revisions and additional concepts under consideration.
Professor Kelly Browe Olson & Professor Donna Erez-Navot
Kelly Browe Olson is a Professor and the Mediation Clinic Director at University of Arkansas - Little Rock Bowen School of Law. She is a frequent national speaker and trainer, educating judges, lawyers, and other professionals about dispute resolution, communication, conflict, emotional intelligence, and family and children’s legal issues. She teaches ADR, Negotiation, Family Law, and Family Mediation Seminars. She oversees a statewide Special Education mediation project and mediates family cases. She currently serves on the ABA and AFCC joint task force revising the Model Standards of Practice for Family and Divorce Mediation, the Arkansas Access to Justice Commission and on the Family Court Review editorial board.
Professor Browe Olson trains and consults for the Arkansas ADR Commission, the Arkansas Administrative Office of the Courts and court-based mediation programs in multiple states. She is the co-editor, with Peter Salem, of Family Dispute Resolution: Process and Practice, recently published by Oxford University Press, and the author of the chapter: "Intimate Partner Violence and Family Dispute Resolution: Coercion, Capacity and Control." Professor Browe Olson has a University of Michigan J.D., and an LL.M. in Child Law from the Loyola University Chicago.
Donna Erez-Navot currently teaches at UF Levin College of Law and is the Director of the Mediation Clinic and Associate Director of the Institute for Dispute Resolution. Prior to joining the faculty at UF, she directed the Cardozo Law School Mediation Clinic and served as Assistant Director of the Cardozo’s Kukin Program for Conflict Resolution.
Before joining Cardozo, Erez-Navot was the founding Director of the Mediation Clinic at University of Wisconsin. As part of the Mediation Clinic, Erez-Navot was instrumental in setting up several mediation programs including Waukesha County Child Protection Mediation Program, Dane County Small Claims Mediation Program, and Dane County Child Protection Mediation Pilot Program. Prior to moving to Wisconsin, she served as mediator in the Child Permanency Mediation Program in the NYC Family Court.
Most recently, Donna Erez-Navot has co-edited a mediation textbook entitled Mediation in an Evolving World: Theory and Practice, 1st Edition with Professors James Alfini, Bill Froehlich, Sharon Press, Joseph Stulberg and Oladeji Tiamiyu. She is also the Reporter tasked with updating the ABA Family Law Section & AFCC Model Standards for Divorce and Family Mediators. Finally, Donna is the co-chair (with Professor Mattie Roberston) of the AALS Clinical Law Section ADR Committee.
The Roundtable Breakfasts are virtual meetings on Zoom. The link will change each month and will be distributed to all registrants the day before and the morning of the event. All listed times for ACR-GNY events are for Eastern Time.
8:00 am – 8:30 am | Join call to network with attendees
8:30 am – 10:00 am | Presentation and Discussion
About the Roundtable Breakfasts
The Roundtable Breakfasts are organized by ACR-GNY and the CUNY Dispute Resolution Center at John Jay College. They take place the first Thursday of the month and are ongoing since 2001.
This program is supported by ACR-GNY's 365 Sponsors: