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  • Roundtable Breakfast - OPERATION RESPECT

Roundtable Breakfast - OPERATION RESPECT

  • Thursday, January 03, 2013
  • 8:00 AM - 9:59 AM (EST)
  • John Jay College of Criminal Justice: 899 Tenth Avenue (at West 59th Street), Room 630, NYC


  • The event is free and open to anyone interested in the topic. Please register in order to attend.

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The Association for Conflict Resolution
of Greater New York


The CUNY Dispute Resolution Consortium
at John Jay College

Monthly NYC-DR Roundtable Breakfast





Reflecting on 10 years with Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary

How do we promote positive school climates for children and youth? 





 OPERATION RESPECT is a non-profit organization working to assure each child and youth a respectful, safe and compassionate climate of learning where their academic, social and emotional development can take place free of bullying, ridicule and violence.
Founded by Peter Yarrow of the folk group Peter, Paul & Mary, the organization disseminates educational resources that are designed to establish a climate that reduces the emotional and physical cruelty some children inflict upon each other by behaviors such as ridicule, bullying and-in extreme cases-violence. It is a unique organization that provides a gateway to broad scale adoption of school-based character education as well as social and emotional learning (SEL) programs.

Operation Respect developed the Don't Laugh at Me (DLAM) programs, one for grades 2-5, another for grades 6-8 and a third for summer camps and after-school programs. All of the programs utilize inspiring music and video along with curriculum guides based on the well-tested, highly regarded conflict resolution curricula developed by the Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP) of Educators for Social Responsibility (ESR). Thanks to the generosity of
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Operation Respect disseminates the DLAM programs free of charge. More than 150,000 copies of the program have been distributed to educators since Operation Respect's inception.
To date, more than 40,000 educators have participated in workshops throughout the United States. For more info, go to

Mark Weiss has been the Education Director of Operation Respect for 10 years.  He was a New York City school principal for 20 years, founding the first alternative high school in the Bronx in 1979 and leading that school for 13 years.  He then founded a New Visions (grades 6–12) public school, School for the Physical City, which was heralded in a 1993 New York Times Magazine cover story as “A City School Experiment That Actually Works” leading that school for more than 7 years. 


Mr. Weiss brings his commitment and expertise in building school communities of respect and learning to his work with Operation Respect.  As Educator Director, Mr. Weiss works with a staff of trainers who lead workshops nationally and internationally.


"What I love about Operation Respect is that the inspiration of Peter's music and our approach to introducing social and emotional learning and character development to schools, resonates so strongly throughout the world," says Weiss.


Mr. Weiss has also taught courses for future school leaders in the Administration and Supervision Certification and Masters Program at Hunter College. 




Association for Conflict Resolution - Greater New York Chapter


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