The Association for Conflict Resolution of Greater New York,
The CUNY Dispute Resolution Center at John Jay College,
Community Mediation Services,
Institute of Mediation and Conflict Resolution,
New York Center for Interpersonal Development,
New York Peace Institute, and
Scott Gassman, Ideajuice
invite everyone to
An Open Space Forum:
Bringing the NYC Dispute Resolution community together
in the aftermath of the Newtown Tragedy
Sunday, February 3, 2013
10:00 am - 1:30 pm
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
899 Tenth Avenue
New Building
As a response to the Newtown school tragedy and the deep expressions of concern voiced by the NYC Dispute Resolution community, this co-sponsored Open Space forum will discuss the aspects of the tragedy for dispute resolvers to talk about: the children, families, educators, the Newtown community, schools, gun concerns, violence, citizen responsibility, household accountability, justice, police, prevention, protection, laws, policies, other issues and a way forward for our nation to imagine and work on safer futures. Please join us to listen, discuss, reflect and learn from each other.
Facilitated by
Scott Gassman

Scott Gassman is a mediator, facilitator and trainer who, through his company, IdeaJuice, consults with corporate and non-profit clients. He teaches in the Change Management Graduate program at Milano the New School for Management and Urban Policy.
Registration: The event is free, however registration is limited and required in advance. Day-of event registrations cannot be accommodated. Registrations will be acknowledged as they are received. Deadline is Saturday, Feb 2 at 5pm.
The Open Space methodology: Open Space is a meeting format to discuss topics that matter to attendees. The agenda is minimal. Time spent is driven by what individuals self-select to discuss in 3 rounds of small group discussions.
Light refreshments will be served. This event will end in time for everyone to have lunch on their own after the session.