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  • Roundtable Breakfast -Dealing with Differences

Roundtable Breakfast -Dealing with Differences

  • Thursday, February 06, 2014
  • 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM (EST)
  • John Jay College of Criminal Justice: 524 West 59th Street, Room 630, NYC


  • The event is free and open to anyone interested in the topic. Please register in order to attend.

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The Association for Conflict Resolution
of Greater New York
The CUNY Dispute Resolution Center at John Jay College


NYC-DR Roundtable Breakfast


Online Cross-Cultural Dialogue

Claudia Maffetone

The world is more interdependent than ever before and the challenges of the 21st Century, whether they pertain to the environment, the economy or our security, will require multilateral solutions. It is critical, therefore, to provide the next generations with the skills they need to collaboratively address these challenges.


Over the last ten years, Soliya, an international non-profit organization and implementing partner of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, has been fostering understanding among diverse societies through intercultural dialogue and ODR. Soliya's flagship program, the Connect Program, brings students in the Middle East, North Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States on an online platform to discuss a number of issues and foster better understanding and long lasting relationships across divides. The online Facilitation Training and Practicum provides trainees with conflict resolution and facilitation skills applicable in a variety of professional settings and the opportunity to practice them with real groups. For the past couple of years, Soliya has been partnering with the MIT Neuroscience Saxe Lab to scientifically measure the impact of its programs. The findings of the latest research round have been really impressive, especially in relation to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings.


This presentation will discuss the opportunities and challenges offered by online intercultural exchange and training in the current higher education and ADR landscape. The presenter will talk about Soliya’s programs and highlight partnership, training and engagement opportunities for attendants. Participants will be ultimately involved in a small group exercise that is normally held online as part of the Connect Program. 


Claudia Maffettone is the Outreach and Recruitment Officer at Soliya, leading outreach efforts for the creation of new partnerships with education institutions, universities, NGOs and CSOs in the MENA Region, Asia, Europe and North America. Claudia is a mediator and facilitator, and has trained at Soliya, the New York Peace Institute, and Harvard Law School among others. In the past 10 years, she has been working in the field of intercultural dialogue, serving on the boards of different international networks and implementing projects with NGOs in the UN System, the European Union and the Council of Europe. She is currently an Advisory Board member of the NYPI, and a member of ACR-GNY, Mediators Beyond Borders, and the International Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies Network. Claudia is also the president of LuX, a consultancy company that provides support to NGOs in the organization and implementation of projects and programs. She holds a BA in International Relations and Diplomacy with a focus on the Middle East.

Association for Conflict Resolution - Greater New York Chapter


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